Morning Briefing

Children welcome Pope Francis at Yangon International Airport in Yangon, Myanmar, Nov. 27. See links below. (CNS/Paul Haring)

YANGON, MYANMAR -- Pope Francis has become the first pontiff to travel to Myanmar, landing here Nov. 27 for a three-day visit as the majority Buddhist nation is facing international outcry over its persecution of a minority Rohingya Muslim population.

GOP economic policy: Some call it supply side economics, others call it trickle-down theory. Some called it voodoo-economics. Let's call the whole thing off.

More news from the nation's capital: Congress Returns to Intense Pressure to End Secrecy Over Sex Harassment

Minneapolis, Minnesota -- Franken ashamed but says he'll return to work on Monday: Ending 8-day silence, senator says he can still be effective as crucial bills await.

Welcome to the holiday season: Guns were Black Friday must-haves, going by the FBI’s record 203,086 background-check requests

More dismantling of progress made during the last administration: Battle for Control of Consumer Agency Heads to Court

Commentary by Massimo Faggioli: Polarization in the Church and the crisis of the Catholic mind

Catholica, the Australian website for Catholic news and opinion, carries an address by Bishop Vincent Long (whom Catholica calls "the boat-person-refugee-turned-Franciscan-and-bishop") to Manly Seminary Reunion. Long calls out the trappings of clericalism and claims the space of servant-leadership for the future of the priesthood.

Fr. Gerald O'Collins (another Australian) has a new book, with John Wilkins (former editor of The Tablet of London), about English translations of liturgical texts. They call for dumping the 2010 translations and reinstating the 1998 translations. The book was written before Pope Francis released Magnum Principium.

Global Sisters Report asks an international panel of women religious: Have you seen a shift in ministries in your congregation over the past 10 to 25 years? Read their answers in the latest edition of "The Life."

Edinburg, Texas -- The nearly 60-year saga in the death of a schoolteacher and beauty queen is expected to reach its conclusion by the end of the year as the former priest accused with her murder finally faces a jury.

Jackson, Michigan -- Court denies appeal of former high school priest in prison for sex abuse. He contends charges brought against him in 2015 were barred by the statute of limitations and should have been dismissed.

UISG meeting in the Philippines: International sisters' group addresses interculturality as essential to religious life

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