Morning Briefing

NCR's homepage focuses on morality today with three stories on that topic: 

Church teaching is clear: 'Fake news,' other untruths are wrong, dangerous

'Has America lost its moral center?' asks Fordham panel

Church can help build peace amid polarization, theologian says

In other news at NCRonline: 

This season, NCR is joining with our sister publications, Celebration and Global Sisters Report to share Advent resources. Whether you're looking for Scripture study, some meditative reflections or an inspiring read, check out Our Celebration of Advent page.

California's oldest Catholic school drops official 'Catholic' designation

Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

ICYMI: Irish priests discuss wrongful abuse accusations, safeguarding their rights

At Global Sisters Report: 

Transition home in El Paso helps women overcome crises, regain independence

Communion of saints: Filipinos' holiday celebrations surprise, inspire

Column: Petting a wolf is a spiritual experience

In other news around the web: 

Ministers Look to Revive Martin Luther King’s 1968 Poverty Campaign

Rival Anglican church ordains new clergy in challenge to Justin Welby

Roiled by claims, Alabama Senate race goes off the rails

Greek Orthodox Church Sells Land In Israel, Worrying Both Israelis And Palestinians

How Ireland Moved to the Left: ‘The Demise of the Church’

Seeking new life for the center of Boston Catholicism

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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