Morning Briefing

NCR reporters are on the ground at Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) in Washington, D.C., which brought together more than 500 Catholics who work in social justice ministries. The event continues through Tuesday, Feb. 6, and concludes with an advocacy visit to Capitol Hill. Immigration a focus of first day at Catholic Social Ministry Gathering. Watch the website for more news from the conference.

Congress faces another government shutdown on Thursday if a budget deal is not reached. In Recent Talks, DREAMers' Fate Is Tied To Immigration Overhaul

GOP leaders are eyeing a six-week funding bill that would keep the government’s lights on until March 23.

Politico says Republicans are giving up on Obamacare repeal. Most GOP lawmakers (especially those running for re-election this year) aren't interested in another failed effort to gut the health law in an election year.

Hagatna, Guam — Clergy abuse plaintiffs need at least 2 more months to serve papers in Italy, Philippines, Guam: Six of the plaintiffs said they also need time to find someone to translate the documents from English to Italian.

Great game last night, am I right? The rise of Nick Foles: How a journeyman QB became a Super Bowl hero

Patriot fans may find it hard to admit, but it really was a great game. 'Losing sucks': Tom Brady was brilliant but leaves broken

Jacob Leibenluft of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities lays out Three Key Questions About the Trump Infrastructure Plan. We should be on the watch for a "bait and switch" at the heart of his proposal.

Michael Sean Winters says The Nunes memo has been one great exercise in propaganda. The danger in all this hoo-ha over the memo and what we're told it "proves" is that important institutions that keep our democracy stable are being undermined.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, is the feast day of Sr. Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of victims of human trafficking and slavery, and Global Sisters Report has a series of stories this week devoted to human trafficking: At Haitian-Dominican border, shelter protects children vulnerable to human trafficking

After a year, Mali church leaders still hope for release of abducted nun

This didn't get much attention last week: US, in footsteps of Russia, is moving to fortify its nuclear arsenal

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Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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