Video: Live with Bishop John Stowe on Building a Common Future

by Brittany Wilmes

Engagement Editor

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In this conversation, NCR executive editor Heidi Schlumpf speaks with Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky about President-elect Joe Biden's first 100 days and the advice he offers Biden in our series Building a Common Future.

Background reading:

  • In his essay in our series, Bishop John Stowe writes that one area in which Joe Biden might begin to address the divide and promote the common good would be a genuine engagement in the issues of rural poverty.
  • For this series, we asked Catholic politicians, activists and scholars to offer advice to President-elect Joe Biden. The series takes its title from Pope Francis' encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: "Building a Common Future," and it will continue in the days preceding the inauguration. Read all of the essays here.
  • Heidi refers to another essay in this conversation, one published on January 14 and written by a Catholic priest and sister who share a counseling ministry. They write about how Catholics were conned by President Donald Trump and how we can respond to today's painful reality.

Join us next Thursday, January 21 at 2:30 Eastern/1:30 Central for the next live conversation on Building a Common Future. Heidi Schlumpf will be joined by Michael Sean Winters and Sr. Simone Campbell, executive director of Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice. We'll be streaming live to Facebook and YouTube. See you there!

This story appears in the Building a Common Future feature series. View the full series.

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