Any kind of cards — birthday cards, get well cards, welcome home cards, Christmas cards — are not only "nice"; they are a ritual of ongoing humanity in a world that is dispersing itself out of touch everywhere.
Scripture for Life: This week we will celebrate both the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe, feasts that celebrate the human potential to collaborate with God's ongoing offers of grace and thus change history.
Scripture for Life: In his reigning among us, Christ offers a share of his glory, a glory that we can begin to comprehend and experience only in faith. It is unintelligible to those who choose to remain outside.
What kind of leadership will we get? Whatever it is, we must always remember that in a democracy, we put the leaders there ourselves and so we must save it ourselves, as well.
Scripture for Life: Jesus makes clear that pretentious religious leaders who take advantage of the lowly unintentionally mock their own arrogance, while people like the widow express their freedom and dignity by caring for the common good, no matter the cost.
Scripture for Life: If Bartimaeus were here, he might beg us to listen deeply for the good news in our fragmented world. He would probably tell us that we really do need to hear and respect viewpoints different from our own.
My contemplative and dialogical self is challenged in this difficult time. The U.S. election is important, and equally important is how I and we will respond to each other in the coming days, weeks, months and years.