In surrendering to the presence of love, we find a security our plans could never provide: the security of being fully alive, fully present to the embrace of absolute love, the captivating presence of God.
Scripture of Life: When the experience of evil feels as palpable as the mysterium, we may well be afraid. Yet, our very distress constitutes the call to stand up against destruction and injustice.
Scripture for Life: Christ's birth and reception by the simple made the first turn of the golden key. Now it is ours to dare the second turn and exercise the humility to be open to wonderful and challenging treasures we have never imagined.
Scripture for Life: Remembering Paul's message that no gift is lesser or unnecessary, we can ask the Spirit how to use those gifts for the good of all.
Any kind of cards — birthday cards, get well cards, welcome home cards, Christmas cards — are not only "nice"; they are a ritual of ongoing humanity in a world that is dispersing itself out of touch everywhere.
Scripture for Life: The pilgrim Magi remind us that we too are invited to be humble enough to see something new. They help us realize that there is always more to discover in God's mysteries.