Leap to the prompt

Pencil Preaching for Friday, December 9, 2022


“To what shall I compare this generation?” (Matt 11:16).

Is 48:17-19; Matt 11:16-19

“To what shall I compare this generation?” (Matt 11:16).

Jesus found his own generation to be fickle, unable to discern God’s call to conversion. He compares them to children in the marketplace who argue back and forth about which games to play or songs to sing. Happy or Sad? They can’t decide, so they do nothing.

John the Baptist called the crowds to fasting and repentance, but they thought he was too radical, too hard on everyone.  Jesus calls them to joy and feasting, but they call him a drunkard and a glutton, much too lenient with sinners.

Paralysis and indecision are the enemies of holy initiative, the sudden promptings of grace that set our path in a different direction and open us to surprises and chance encounters that enrich our day.

From sunrise to sunset, be ready to play whatever game God suggests. Leap past caution and do not hesitate. Advent prepares us for Christmas by making us childlike again.

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