Pope's quotes: Complete availability

A quote from Pope Francis:

"In today's Gospel, and in very firm and radical terms, He asks us for complete availability, a life offered in complete openness, free of calculation and gain. Why is Jesus so exacting? Because He loved us in this way, making Himself our servant 'to the end,' coming 'to serve, and to give his life.' And this takes place again every time we celebrate the Eucharist: the Lord comes among us, and as much as we intend to serve Him and love Him, it is always He who precedes us, serving us and loving us more than we can imagine or deserve. He gives us His very own life. He invites us to imitate Him, saying: 'If anyone serves me, he must follow me.' "

— Homily at Church of the Immaculate Conception, Bazu, Azerbaijan, Oct. 2, 2016

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