Pope's quotes: Division is a weapon

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Division is the weapon the devil employs most to destroy the Church from within. He has two weapons, but the main one is division: the other is money. The devil enters through our pockets and destroys with the tongue, with idle chatter that divides, and the habit of gossiping is a habit of 'terrorism.' The gossip is a 'terrorist' who throws a grenade — chatter —in order to destroy. Please, fight against division, because it is one of the weapons that the devil uses to destroy the local Church and the universal Church. In particular, differences due to the presence of different ethnic groups in the same territory must not penetrate into the Christian communities to the point of prevailing over their own good. These are challenges that are difficult to resolve, but with the grace of God, prayer, penance, it can be done. The Church is called to place herself above tribal and cultural connotations and the bishop, the visible principle of unity, has the task of ceaselessly building up the particular Church in the communion of all her members."

— Audience with bishops of mission territories, Sept. 9, 2016

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