Pope's quotes: Faith must be nurtured

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Because faith, which is always God's gift and always to be asked for, must be nurtured by us. It is no magic power which comes down from heaven, it is not a 'talent' which is given once and for all, not a special force for solving life's problems. A faith useful for satisfying our needs would be a selfish one, centred entirely on ourselves. Faith must not be confused with well-being or feeling well, with having consolation in our heart that gives us inner peace. Faith is the golden thread which binds us to the Lord, the pure joy of being with Him, united to Him; it is a gift that lasts our whole life, but bears fruit only if we play our part."

—Homily at Church of the Immaculate Conception, Bazu, Azerbaijan, Oct. 2, 2016

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