Pope's quotes: God never gives up

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Make your ministry an icon of Mercy, the only force capable of seducing and attracting the heart of man in a permanent way. Even the thief at the last moment let himself be drawn by Him in Whom he found only good. … A remote and indifferent god can even be ignored, but one does not so easily resist a God Who is so close, and wounded out of love. Goodness, beauty, truth, love — this is what we can offer to this begging world, even if it is in half-broken bowls. However, it is not about attracting to oneself. The world is tired of dishonest charmers. And, I dare say, 'fashionable' priests and bishops. People sense this, the people of God have this sense and they refuse and distance themselves when they recognise narcissists, manipulators, defenders of their own causes, leaders of pointless crusades. Rather, seek to follow God, Who already introduces Himself before your arrival. … God never gives up! Instead we, accustomed to surrender, who often give in, preferring to allow ourselves to be convinced that truly they were able to eliminate him and invent bitter discourses to justify the idleness that blocks us in the immobile sound of vain complaints."

— Audience with new bishops, Sept. 16, 2016

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