Pope's quotes: An image of God

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Today too humanity constructs images of God that prevent us from appreciating His real presence. Some offer a 'do-it-yourself' faith that reduces God to the limited spaces of our own desires and convictions. But this faith is not conversion to the Lord that is revealed; on the contrary, it prevents us from challenging our life and our conscience. Others reduce God to a false idol, using His holy name to justify the pursuit of interests or even hatred and violence. For others, God is merely a psychological refuge for seeking reassurance in difficult moments, a faith wrapped up in itself and impermeable to the merciful love of Jesus that drives us towards our brothers. Others consider Christ simply as a good teacher of ethics, one among many in history. Finally, there are those who suffocate faith in a purely intimist relationship with Jesus, annulling its missionary drive that is able to transform the world and history. The Christian believes in the God of Jesus Christ, and his wish is that of growing in the living experience of His mystery of love."

-- General audience, Sept. 9, 2016

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