Pope's quotes: The image of God

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Marriage is the image of God, man and woman become one flesh. If this is destroyed, the image of God is soiled or disfigured. Amoris Laetitia speaks about how to treat these cases, how to treat wounded families, and here mercy enters. … The principle is this, but human weaknesses exist, sins exist, and weakness does not have the last word, sin does not have the last word: mercy has the last word! … Therefore Amoris Laetitia discusses marriage, the foundation of marriage as it is, but then problems arise, and the issue of how to resolve them. They can be resolved according to four criteria: welcoming wounded families, accompanying them, discerning each case and integrating, reconstructing. This would mean collaborating in this second … in this wonderful re-creation that the Lord achieves in redemption."

— Return flight from Pope Francis' apostolic trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan, Oct. 3, 2016

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