Pope's quotes: Love truth, live truth

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Loving the truth means not only affirming it, but rather living it, bearing witness to it in your work. … The issue is not that of being or not being a believer. The issue here is being or not being honest with yourself and with others. … In life nothing is black or white. In journalism too, it is necessary to know how to discern between the shades of grey in the events you are called upon to narrate. Political debates, and even many conflicts, are rarely the outcome of distinct and clear dynamics, in which it is possible to recognise precisely and unequivocally who is wrong and who is right. Comparison and conflict are indeed born of this difficulty of synthesis between different positions. And this is the difficult and at the same time necessary job — we might say even the mission – of the journalist: to arrive as close as possible to the truth of facts and never to say or write something that we know, in our conscience, to be untrue."

— Audience with National Council Order of Journalists, Sept. 22, 2016

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