Pope's quotes: An open book

A quote from Pope Francis:

"The final verse of today's Gospel speaks of a book: it is the Gospel that, we are told, does not contain all the many other signs that Jesus worked. After the great sign of His mercy, we could say that there is no longer a need to add another. Yet one challenge does remain. There is room left for the signs needing to be worked by us, we who have received the Spirit of love and are called to spread mercy. It might be said that the Gospel, the living book of God's mercy that must be continually read and reread, still has many blank pages left. It remains an open book that we are called to write in the same style, by the works of mercy we practise. Let me ask you this, dear brothers and sisters: What are the pages of your books like? Are they blank?"

-- Mass in the Shrine of St. John Paul II, Krakow, Poland, July 30, 2016

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