Pope's quotes: Prayer of the rosary

A quote from Pope Francis:

"The prayer of the rosary is, in many ways, the synthesis of the history of God's mercy, which becomes a history of salvation for all who let themselves be shaped by grace. The mysteries we have contemplated are concrete events by which God’s intervention on our behalf develops. Through prayer and meditation on the life of Jesus Christ, we see once more His merciful countenance, which he shows to everyone in all the many needs of life. Mary accompanies us along this journey, pointing to her Son Who radiates the very mercy of the Father. She is truly Hodegetria, the Mother who points to the path we are called to take in order to be true disciples of Jesus. In each mystery of the rosary, we feel her closeness and we contemplate her as the first disciple of her Son, for she does the Father’s will."

— Praying of the Rosary for the Marian Jubilee, Oct. 8, 2016

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