Pope's quotes: Problems of life

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Praying the rosary does not remove us from the problems of life. On the contrary, it demands that we immerse ourselves in the history of each day, so as to grasp the signs of Christ’s presence in our midst. Whenever we contemplate an event, a mystery of the life of Christ, we are asked to reflect on how God comes into our own lives, so as to be able to welcome Him and follow Him. In this way, we discover how we can follow Christ by serving our brothers and sisters. By accepting and making our own certain outstanding events in the life of Jesus, we share in his work of evangelisation, so that God’s Kingdom can increase and spread in the world. We are disciples, but also missionaries, bringing Christ wherever He asks us to be present. So we cannot keep the gift of His presence within us. On the contrary, we are called to share with everyone His love, His tenderness, His goodness and His mercy. It is the joy of sharing that stops at nothing, for it brings a message of freedom and salvation."

— Praying of the Rosary for the Marian Jubilee, Oct. 8, 2016

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