Pope's quotes: Respect the environment

A quote from Pope Francis:

"Religions have a very important role in this task of promoting care and respect for the environment. Faith in God leads us to recognise Him in His creation, which is the fruit of His love for us, and which requires us to care for and protect nature. For this reason, it is necessary for religions to promote genuine education, at all levels, that helps to disseminate a responsible and careful attitude towards the demands of care for our world, and in a special way, to protect, promote and defend human rights. … Interfaith cooperation, based on the promotion of sincere and respectful dialogue, is fundamental … and must be based on one's own identity and the mutual trust that arises when we are capable of recognising the other as a gift of God, and accepting that he or she has something to tell us. … The believer is a defender of creation and life, and cannot remain silent or passive in the face of so many rights disregarded with impunity. Men and women of faith are called to defend life in all its stages: physical integrity and fundamental freedoms such as freedom of conscience, of thought, of expression and of worship."

— Symposium of the Organisation of American States and the Buenos Aires Institute for Interreligious Dialogue, Sept. 8, 2016

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