Pope's quotes: True compassion

A quote from Pope Francis:

"In our technological and individualistic culture, compassion is not always considered well; at times, it is even regarded with disdain as it is equated with the humiliation of the person who receives it. And then there are those who hide behind an alleged compassion to justify and approve the death of a patient. This is not it. True compassion does not marginalise anyone, nor does it humiliate and exclude; much less consider the disappearance of a person as a good thing. You are well aware of the meaning of the triumph of selfishness, of this 'throwaway culture' that rejects and dismisses those who do not comply with certain canons of health, beauty and utility. I like to bless the hands of doctors as a sign of recognition of this compassion that becomes the caress of health."

-- Audience with managers of Medical Orders of Spain and Latin America, June 9, 2016

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