Pope's quotes: We are all called

A quote from Pope Francis:

"We are all called, good and bad. The Church is not only for the good, or for those who seem good or believe themselves good. The Church is for everyone, and even preferably for the wicked, because the Church is mercy. And this time of grace and mercy reminds us that nothing can separate us from Christ's love. To those who are stuck in a hospital bed, those who live shut away in prison, those who are trapped by wars, I say: look to the Crucified. God is with you, He remains with you on the cross and offers Himself as a Saviour to all of us. To you who suffer so much, I say … let the power of the Gospel enter into your hearts and comfort you, give you hope and the intimate certainty that no-one is excluded from His forgiveness."

— General audience, Sept. 28, 2016

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