Brian Roewe

Brian Roewe is NCR environment correspondent. Much of his reporting appears at EarthBeat, NCR's journalism initiative on faith and climate change. He has covered environmental issues for NCR since 2011. His reporting has earned multiple honors, including from the Religion News Association and Catholic Media Association. Brian began with NCR in November 2011, and is a graduate of Saint Louis University and Rockhurst University.

By this Author

Sex abuse lawsuit in Illinois focuses on actions of Newark archbishop

New State Department office to engage faith groups on policy issues

More groups call for Vatican response against growing agribusiness models

American Life League chastises Catholic Charities USA for affiliation

Decision on Milwaukee archdiocese's cemetery funds could have range of implications

In Abu Dhabi, Ramadan a time for fasting and food waste awareness

One priest's sex abuse case marked turning point for Milwaukee archdiocese

Obama administration issues final rules on HHS contraceptive mandate

Supreme Court gay marriage rulings: What's next?

US Supreme Court: DOMA unconstitutional, Prop 8 appeal dismissed

Obama: Climate change 'demands our attention now'

Archbishop Myers on Fugee: 'Our decision was appropriate at the time'

Obama set to unveil climate plan

Catholic universities among California’s top solar schools

International Criminal Court declines to pursue 'crimes against humanity' case against Vatican

States propel push toward same-sex marriage

Judge sentences priest, former teacher in latest chapter of Philadelphia abuse scandal

Newark, N.J., gets new vicar general in wake of scandal

World Environment Day theme asks you to 'reduce your foodprint'

Jury rules for Cincinnati Catholic school teacher fired after artificial insemination
