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Catholic universities, and a high school, donate medical supplies to hospitals

Birmingham, Ala., bishop retires; pope names Michigan bishop as successor

Italian doctors: Staff overwhelmed during pandemic; model must change

'Gospel of life' needed now more than ever, pope says

Pope, Christian leaders around the globe join in prayer for pandemic's end

Catholic leaders praise Colorado's repeal of death penalty

Complaining, inertia are seeds of the devil, pope says

Marriage, priesthood, religious life take courage, pope says in message

First U.S. clergy fatality from COVID-19 a deacon in Washington

New Orleans archbishop tests positive, asks prayers for all amid pandemic

Kathleen McChesney, advocate for abuse victims, to receive Laetare Medal

Archbishop Pilarczyk of Cincinnati, former USCCB president, dies at 85

'Every man for himself' is not a solution to pandemic, pope says

Pope announces extraordinary 'urbi et orbi' blessing March 27

Vatican issues decree for Holy Week liturgies with pandemic restrictions

No Mass, no offertory: Parish, diocesan, national collections take a hit

If you can't go to confession, take your sorrow directly to God, pope says

At Mass, pope prays for prisoners, families

Priest begins offering drive-through confessions in church parking lot

Pandemic can be time to rediscover love, kindness, pope says
