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Status of Syrian refugees in Lebanon remains largely unchanged

Oregon church activities curtailed by smoke from wildfires

Is there truth in Archbishop Vigano's text and how are Catholics to know?

Vocations in Ireland have dwindled due to abuse scandal, pope says

Latin Americans: Capture spirit of '68 Medellin meeting, focus on youth

Prominent Catholics see larger role for laity in church's abuse response

Catholic young adults pray for survivors of clergy abuse, wounded church

Embattled bishop of Buffalo says he won't resign

National Review Board: Change in church's culture needed to end abuse

Anderson calls for 'full accounting of misdeeds' that have led to scandal

Bishops nationwide reflect on ramifications of grand jury report

As survivors find voice, church leaders wrestle with how to address issue

Cardinal DiNardo seeks papal audience, answers to former nuncio's questions

U.N. fact-finders: Prosecute Myanmar military leaders for genocide

Retired Phoenix Bishop O'Brien dies at 82

Founder of Catholic Online sentenced to 21 months in prison for tax evasion

Pope begins Mass in Dublin with penitential plea for abuse scandals

Moncton archbishop: Seeking justice for abuse victims is key to a brighter future

Archbishop Sample 'shaken to core,' calls for lay-run abuse investigation

U.S. church's response to sex abuse shows progress, but questions remain
