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Chilean cardinal called to testify for suspected abuse cover-up

O'Malley: 'Specific actions' needed now to address claims against cardinal

Cardinal Tagle laments deaths of innocent people in Philippines

Cardinal Farrell expresses shock over Cardinal McCarrick abuse case

Amid hardships, Syriac Catholic young people attest to their faith

Pope Francis approves U.S. bishops' delegates for October's Synod of Bishops

University in Scotland fires chaplain after pride parade reparation prayers

East African bishops applaud Eritrea, Ethiopia peace process

Birth of an encyclical: Priest documents preparation of 'Humanae Vitae'

Buried under scaffolding, Holy Stairs set for resurrection

Church leaders in Sudan's Nuba Mountains say they support the people

Pope adds teen to list of saints to be declared during synod on youth

Pulled from the sea, migrant's rescue puts spotlight on Italian policy

Judge: Catholic agency must consider same-sex couples for foster placement

Central African bishops distance themselves from group promising violence

Nicaraguan bishops to pray for exorcism as violence continues

Lawmaker urges protecting religious liberty of adoption, foster agencies

Tennessee's Catholic bishops urge governor to halt upcoming executions

NY Times talks to men who got settlements after alleged abuse by cardinal

Pope nominates presidents-delegate for upcoming Synod of Bishops
