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Vatican confirms pope's visit to Myanmar, Bangladesh in late November

Oklahoma set to welcome world for beatification of 'ordinary' native son

Pope’s visit to Cartagena to highlight inequality

Rome Caritas blames police for violent removal of refugees

Venezuelans who take long ride to Chile find help at Santiago parish

Dublin archbishop outlines themes to prepare for World Meeting of Families

Vatican II liturgical reform 'irreversible,' pope says

Chicago cardinal thanks Texas parish for 'welcoming the stranger'

Priest asks forgiveness for having been KKK member years ago

Central African priests use Facebook to express outrage, appeal for help

Pope: God gives hope for the future despite present-day suffering

Polish archbishop thinks Vatican will recognize Medjugorje apparitions

Bishop DiLorenzo dies; headed Diocese of Richmond since 2004

Pope urges respect for the life and dignity of migrants, refugees

Eclipse thrills, inspires viewers to admire the precision of creation

Eclipse a way to appreciate creation, Vatican astronomer tells audience

Church leaders oppose Bolivian law stripping protection for native lands

For 20 million people, conflict added to drought means no food to eat

World governments combat threat of famine in East Africa, Yemen

Catholic leaders urge prayers, unity after attacks in Spain
