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Pope Francis: Being Christian is service, not 'makeup' for a pretty soul

Interested in helping at World Meeting of Families? Volunteer

Forum outlines strategies to end extreme poverty worldwide

Catholic workers in contested Sudanese border region launch peace efforts

Belgian bishop: Ruling against archbishop could spur claims for damages

Inclement weather, logistical issues delay aid for Nepal quake victims

Advocates on either side of same-sex marriage case make presence felt

Supreme Court considers place of same-sex marriage in states that bar it

Priest's conviction reinstated by Pennsylvania Supreme Court

High-level tweeting: Study confirms pope's Twitter influence

5,000 join March for Marriage three days before Supreme Court arguments

Bishop Thomas Connolly, retired bishop of Baker, Ore., dies at 92

Charlotte Catholic church will not host talk by Sr. Jeannine Gramick

Utah bishop John Wester named to head Santa Fe archdiocese

Pope prays for Nepali quake victims, solidarity for relief workers

Catholics to press nuclear weapons ban at UN treaty review conference

Italians arrest suspected terrorists; Vatican says no current threat

France says Vatican has not issued response for proposed ambassador

Special Mass for abuse victims seen as one step on journey of healing

US Senate reaches compromise on measure to assist trafficking victims
