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Pope appoints McElroy, other new cardinals as members of Vatican dicasteries

Man arrested for allegedly attacking Tulsa, Okla., cathedral, employee

Seminar panelists: Clergy abuse has scarred minority Catholic communities

Immigration advocates say DACA ruling should push Congress to act

Saints have joyful hearts, not long faces, pope says

US bishops support abortion laws with exceptions for mother, pro-life chairman says

Tourist detained after toppling busts at Vatican Museums

True discernment requires knowing oneself, pope says

Germany's Synodal Path continues to draw attention in Rome

Advocates already pushing for a satisfactory farm bill in 2023

Head of Miami Catholic Charities helps coordinate statewide response to Ian

Vatican marks ecology saint's feast day with film premiere, climate accords

US Catholic bishops to elect new president at November general assembly

Canadian bishops say they'll follow pope's example with Indigenous

Ukrainian Catholics denounce so-called 'annexation' of Ukraine regions

Pope to canonize founder of Scalabrinians, Salesian pharmacist

At Red Mass, lawyers, jurists counseled to seek Holy Spirit's guidance

Federal judge sides with Catholic school over guidance counselor's firing

German bishops outraged by Vatican cardinal's Nazi comparison, demand apology

Pope meets group that prepared text for next phase of synod
