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Pope urges religious to wage war on 'terrorism of gossip'

Senator: Even in new Congress, some policies can get bipartisan backing

Müller to USCCB: Catholics must be heard in public square

Cardinal Turkson discusses meaning of 'vocation to agriculture'

Plan to expand mountaintop mine heightens residents' flooding concerns

Pope will visit Shroud of Turin, commemorate birth of St. John Bosco

Pope: Bishops must be servants, not vain careerists after power, honor

Pope says annulment process should be cheaper and more efficient

Irish archbishop decries comments critical of pope following synod

Pope appoints Wisconsin bishop to head statewide Idaho diocese

Canadian bishops mark 50th anniversary of decree on ecumenism

Winter's early arrival challenges Iraqi Christians who fled militants

Despite long mining history, poverty straps many in West Virginia

Cardinal says pope's steady focus on poverty emphasizes body, soul

Vatican approves amended constitutions for Legionaries of Christ

Praise God, proclaim salvation, pray for the persecuted, pope says

Did Pope Francis get what he wanted from the synod?

R U texting in church? Put the phone down!

Experts, historians explore Shakespeare's Catholic sympathies

Poverty was among synod's major concerns, Philippine cardinal says
