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Sign of peace at Mass: Vatican says it stays put, but urges education

On St. Ignatius feast, pope meets family of Jesuit kidnapped in Syria

Church workers fight fear, myths as Ebola worsens in Sierra Leone

Changing needs, changing names: Reform of Curia is Vatican tradition

In Jerusalem hospital, staff and family help Gaza trauma patients

Holy Land still safe for pilgrimages, says head of U.S. tour group

AIDS activists praise progress, warn about lingering danger of HIV

In latest interview, Pope Francis reveals top 10 secrets to happiness

South Korea's Asian Youth Day to focus on leaders from 30 countries

Protect environment, resist mafia's evil, pope says in Caserta

U.S. Jesuit named next head of Jesuit Refugee Service

Iraqi Christians brave heat to demand help from United Nations

Like good shepherd, church must seek out, help abused, says survivor

All is lost with war, especially children's lives, future, pope says

Holy Land priests on both sides try to help parishioners confront war

Hold the sauce: Pope heads to Vatican cafeteria for Friday fish menu

Archbishop Chaput confirms pope to visit Philadelphia in September 2015

Obama administration says it plans opt-out alternative on mandate

Vatican revising canon law on abuse penalties, cardinal says

Free from ordeal in Sudan, woman condemned for apostasy meets pope
