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Global wave of prayer launches as Francis urges action against hunger

Ethicist sees 'informed consent' at issue in ACLU suit, not directives

Pope advances sainthood causes, including Puerto Rican schools pioneer

Calls to hike minimum wage echo long-standing Catholic social teaching

Volunteers say in Peace Corps they learned about universality of church

Pope Francis: A life built on Christ is guarantee against hypocrisy

Long-term fasters hand over role in pursuit of immigration reform

Zimbabwe's bishops say country more polarized than before elections

Lawsuit says USCCB health care directives led to woman's negligent care

Syrian bishop says nuns' kidnapping shocks, frightens Christians

Lori: HHS mandate aims to drive wedge between church's faith, worship

Pope Francis will help launch worldwide 'wave of prayer' against hunger

Pope reveals past work as bouncer to parishioners

German bishops eye guidelines for divorced Catholics to take Communion

White House, farm advocates talk about SNAP; silence from Congress

Pope expected to proclaim sainthood of Jesuit companion of St. Ignatius

Presence of religious among youth helps plant 'seed' for vocations

Catholic college says contraceptive mandate makes it 'second-class' religious entity

At Vatican meeting, pope discusses ongoing war in Syria with Putin

Pittsburgh, Erie dioceses win temporary injunction against HHS mandate
