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Hypocrisy in the church is 'detestable,' pope says at audience

Richest nations urged to tackle financial turmoil worsened by pandemic

Brooklyn auxiliary who was first Haitian American bishop in U.S. dies at 86

COVID-19 makes an already dangerous trek to U.S. border more perilous

This priest has 3 jobs, and all have been challenged during pandemic

Pope encourages people to rediscover importance of Sunday liturgy

Pope names Italian journalist to head Vatican publishing house

Vatican orders retired Polish archbishop to life of prayer, penance

Cardinal Burke remains hospitalized, but he's off ventilator, out of ICU

Pope accepts resignation of outspoken Spanish bishop

Seek God through a relationship with Christ, others, pope says at Angelus

Faith leaders raise concerns over online censorship of religious speech

Caritas Pakistan plans for humanitarian crisis at Afghanistan border

Washington Archdiocese launches new action plan to care for creation

Bishops say U.S. government must urgently act to relocate fleeing Afghans

Chinese archbishop: Three stages to 'drama' involving church, communists

God's law meant to bring freedom, not lifelong 'servitude,' pope says

New head of Papal Foundation says its mission is to spread help, hope

U.S. parishes, faith-based groups urge help for Haiti

Pope joins ad campaign to encourage coronavirus vaccinations
