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Vatican confirms papal trip to Dubai for climate conference

Jesus loves those who put their trust in him, pope says at memorial Mass

No one wins with war; each life lost represents defeat, pope says

Synod, soccer, sexuality: Pope gives another wide-ranging interview

Learn about the lives of saints, be moved by their examples, pope says

'Your prayer gives me strength,' pope says, asking for prayers in November

Violence in Holy Land shows need to support local Christians, cardinal says

Pope Francis closes synod with 'dream' of a church with open doors

Role of bishop is best expressed by being among his people, Dominican says

Caritas: Voices from climate change migrants can be 'blueprint for change'

US synod delegate receives papal permission slip to cut class

Synodality benefits from and increases ecumenical ties, participants say

Papal commission reaches out to Fr. Rupnik's known victims

Listen to, trust the lay faithful, pope tells synod members

God wants people to know, praise him in their own language, pope says

Pope appeals for unimpeded aid into Gaza, release of all hostages

Amazon cardinal says consumerist cultures must learn from Indigenous

Pope again calls for release of hostages in Gaza, discusses aid with Biden

Synod challenges members to be synodal at home, archbishops say

Synod assembly to issue 'Letter to the People of God' at session's end
