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Elderly are to be valued, not discarded, pope says

Role reversal: Developing nations express concern to flood-hit Germany

Policy keeping migrants out may stay in place longer

Catholics weigh in on abuse scandal 3 years after McCarrick and Pennsylvania report

Catholic school's lawsuit against mask mandate goes to federal court

Brazilian cardinal calls for action on Amazon synod recommendations

Two Texas bishops say closing facilities would violate religious freedom

U.S. bishops express solidarity with Cuban people, church leaders

Vatican publishes schedule for papal trip to Hungary, Slovakia

Pope offers his solidarity in letter to cartel-afflicted Mexican diocese

Traditional Latin Mass 'movement' sows division, archbishop says

Synod of Bishops publishes list of commission members

Fires, graffiti, red paint are among ways Portland churches vandalized

German churches pray, provide aid as European flooding death toll climbs

US parishes work to get Catholics back to in-person Mass

Advocates: Ruling against DACA must push Congress to act

Catholic Anti-Slavery Network in Australia becomes model for business

Dioceses respond to pope's document restoring limits on pre-Vatican II Mass

Pope prays for victims of German floods as death toll rises

Vatican prosecutor seeks six-year sentence for priest on trial
