Christine Schenk

St. Joseph Sr. Christine Schenk, an NCR board member, served urban families for 18 years as a nurse midwife before co-founding FutureChurch, where she served for 23 years. Her book Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in Early Christianity (Fortress, 2017) was awarded first place in History by the Catholic Press Association. She holds master's degrees in nursing and theology.

By this Author

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Matched! $5,000 challenge met! But we still need your support.

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Dismantling Catholic misogyny: searching for a way forward

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The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable

There would have been a midwife at the stable

Reflecting on #MeToo: An open letter to our daughters

Prayer is a relationship

What was Paul doing crashing a woman's worship service?

A parish is the body of Christ -- not a Starbucks franchise

My Christian manifesto for surviving dark times

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Was Jesus a community organizer?

Of Francis and feminism

For I was a stranger and you welcomed me

It is up to us to defend human dignity

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