Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Vatican notes 'surprise and regret' over China's transfer of a bishop

Cardinals Ladaria, Ouellet outline concerns about German Synodal Path

Nine months after Russia began war, pope writes to Ukrainians

Violence against women is a 'scourge,' pope says

Cardinal Becciu secretly recorded call with pope, Vatican prosecutor says

With America magazine, pope talks about church division, women, abortion

Pope tells patriarch Catholics are ready for a common Easter date

Questions about Synodal Path dominate German bishops' 'ad limina'

Italian bishops publish first abuse, child protection audit

'Hurry up, Lord' and bring peace to Ukraine, pope prays

Love the Lord by loving the poor, pope says at Mass

Vatican confirms it is opening abuse investigation of French cardinal

Vatican opens clinic in St. Peter's Square for World Day of the Poor

Pope avoids row with Italy on migration but says lives must be saved

Ukrainian archbishop tells pope Russia wants to destroy, not negotiate

Questions of faith: Vatican project sends theologians to 'the margins'

Showing love, mercy are key to entering heaven, pope says on All Souls' Day

Saints were revolutionaries who lived the beatitudes, pope says

Pope: Parishes are essential places for growing in faith, community

Commission starts planning global report on child protection efforts

