Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Global Catholic population tops 1.28 billion; half are in 10 countries

Saving lives must be first concern of immigration policy, pope says

Continuing 'Mercy Friday' practice, pope visits center for the blind

Pope suggests Lenten exercise of asking God why he weeps

Pope apologizes for Catholics' participation in Rwanda genocide

Sin is scary, but God is always ready to forgive, pope says

Cardinal Connell of Dublin dies at 90

Cardinal Burke presides over trial investigating Guam archbishop

At audience, pope leads prayers for migrants, trafficking victims

'We must wait and see,' pope says of President Trump

Meeting pope, Irish prelates discuss ministry of bishop, abuse scandal

Meeting pope, Irish prelates discuss ministry of bishop, abuse scandal

Bishops of Malta issue norms for ministry to divorced, civilly remarried

Tear down this wall: Ecumenical week focuses on overcoming division

Faith and diplomacy: Hackett reflects on role as US envoy to Vatican

Pope writes to Syrian president, pleading for peace and aid corridors

Pope calls Coptic Pope Tawadros to express condolences after Cairo attack

Filmmaker Martin Scorsese talks about his faith, upcoming movie 'Silence'

Pope: Priests are called to console, not heap obligations on people

Mary shows what good comes from wholehearted 'yes' to God, pope says

