Cindy Wooden

By this Author

On 20th anniversary of Rwandan genocide, pope urges reconciliation

Pope, Britain's Queen Elizabeth have informal meeting at Vatican

Pope declares by decree three new saints for the Americas

Pope says married couples called to be icons of God's love

Vatican, Rome gear up for canonizations of John XXIII, John Paul II

Pope to proclaim Brazilian, Canadian church pioneers saints in April

Get a pocket Bible, read it during your commute, pope recommends

Pope says it's important to keep hope alive, have a sense of humor

Portuguese Cardinal Policarpo, 78, dies while on retreat

Pope shares anecdotes, talks to priests about mercy, hearing confession

Pope is challenging church to revitalize roots in Christ, cardinals say

Pope names Maltese monsignor to post at new economy secretariat

Pope asks prayers for Ukraine; archbishop says country in danger

Cardinal outlines possible paths to Communion for divorced, remarried

Pope urges sympathy, outreach to couples whose marriages fail

Pope Francis' constant refrain: 'Go forth,' evangelize, help the poor

Remember the joy of your vocation, Vatican officials tell religious

Legionaries adopt new constitutions; papal delegate ends oversight

Ukrainian archbishop sees lingering threat of war, but signs of hope

Pope asks cardinals to send message of support to suffering Ukrainians

