Jack Jenkins

Jack Jenkins is a national reporter for Religion News Service and author of American Prophets (HarperOne, 2021).

By this Author

Who will President Joe Biden listen to on faith matters?

Nearly 2,000 Catholic nuns sign letter demanding Trump 'count the votes'

Trump, confirmed a Presbyterian, now identifies as ‘non-denominational Christian’

'Faith Vote' 20-minute ad aims to cement liberal believers for Biden

Notre Dame president has virus. Senator leaves Atlanta faith conference to quarantine

Amy Coney Barrett, controversial Catholic, re-emerges as potential Supreme Court pick

Head of Federal Election Commission calls separation of church and state a 'fallacy' and 2020 election a 'spiritual war'

Biden talks faith and poverty at Poor People's Campaign event

Theologians, activists, former bishops staff urge Catholic voters to oppose Trump

In the wake of rocky polling, Trump camp doubles down on conservative Christians

Poor People's Campaign stages massive online demonstration

Church Militant, a conservative Catholic group supportive of Trump, denounced for video calling black archbishop 'African Queen'

Trump faith advisers say the president did the right thing by visiting church

At protests, some clergy pray, others put their bodies and souls on the line

Ahead of Trump Bible photo op, police forcibly expel priest from St. John's church near White House

Conservative group calls for ‘ReOpen Church Sunday’

With coronavirus infections linked to religious gatherings, debate rages over worship amid pandemic

As coronavirus keeps parishioners homebound, Christian clergy debate online Communion

White House takes low-key approach to churches that ignore coronavirus advice

Rolls-Royce promotes exclusive Mass with pope — for $155,000

