Jonathan Luxmoore

Jonathan Luxmoore is a freelance writer covering church news from Oxford, England, and Warsaw, Poland, and serving as a staff commentator for Polish Radio. He studied modern history at the University of Oxford and international relations at the London School of Economics and was a co-founder of the Polish chapter of Transparency International, the world's largest anti-corruption nongovernmental organization. His coverage of religious affairs during the transition to democracy in Eastern Europe won five Catholic Press Association awards, and his books include The Vatican and the Red Flag (London/New York, 1999), Rethinking Christendom: Europe's Struggle for Christianity (Leominster, 2005) and a two-volume study of communist-era martyrdom, The God of the Gulag (Gracewing, 2016).

By this Author

Church in CAR wants more protection from peacekeepers after attack

Ukrainian Catholics fear 'new oppression' after Russian takeover

Catholic clergy in Crimea defend Ukraine's right to self-determination

Catholic leaders praise missioners who stay in Central African Republic

Cardinal defends publication of Blessed John Paul's private notebooks

Ukraine church urges return to peace amid spiraling street violence

Burkina Faso archbishop says appointment as cardinal was act of grace

German bishops eye guidelines for divorced Catholics to take Communion

Archbishop urges steps to address 'ethical challenge' of climate change

Philippine delegate, Catholics add voices to Warsaw climate talks

Polish archbishop: Halloween festivities violate church teaching

French court: No conscience clause for mayors in same-sex marriage

Polish bishops apologize for clergy sexual abuse of children

Romanian priest who died in communist prison to be beatified

Ousted Polish priest takes his case to Rome

European churches welcome EU move to link aid to religious freedom

Belgian bishops welcome court condemnation of 2010 cathedral raid

Germans look back on Benedict's papacy with mixed emotions

Biographer: In last six months, pope was exhausted, disheartened

With decline in participation, Brussels archdiocese to close churches
