Junno Arocho Esteves

By this Author

Social justice must be founded on care for others, pope tells judges

Latino communities have enriched the church, pope says

At Vatican trial, seminary rector accuses victim of seeking payout

'Just war' theory often misused for unjust motives, cardinal says

Cardinal hopes pastoral initiative inspires much needed unity in Peru

Vatican official marks anniversary of 'martyred' Jesuits

U.N. calls for governments to act after shipwreck kills 74 migrants

Cardinals-designate facing quarantine, trip cancellations due to pandemic

At audience, pope renews commitment to fight abuse

Knights of Malta elect new head for one-year term

Vatican report reveals omissions in Archbishop Vigano's 'testimony'

Reform or suppression: Troubled lay movements need outside oversight

Pope appoints new special delegate to Order of Malta

Several students at North American College test positive for COVID-19

Corruption in the church must be stamped out continually, pope says

General audience closes to public after positive case of COVID-19

A divided Europe cannot stand; solidarity needed, pope says

Pope warns Spanish prime minister of rise of nationalism, ideology

True prayer, like true faith, leads to care for others, pope says

Caritas shelter in Rome closed temporarily after COVID-19 outbreak

