Author photo of Maxwell Kuzma

Maxwell Kuzma

Maxwell Kuzma is a transgender man living on a farm in Ohio who writes about the intersection of queerness and faith. You can follow him on Twitter @maxwellkuzma.

By this Author

Carl Siciliano tells his story of 'Making Room' for homeless LGBTQ youth

Way of the cross is way of embodiment, something queer Catholics know well

'Carol & The End of the World' asks viewers to consider how they want to live

Trans Catholics exist, and we deserve to participate in church life

LGBTQ+ Catholics have a spiritual legacy to take pride in

What Holy Thursday foot washing can teach us about inclusivity and love

For this transgender Catholic, Advent's wait mirrors the wait for embodiment

A transgender Catholic responds to 'The Genesis of Gender'

'Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey' documents one man's idea of heaven on Earth

'Outlove' tells how LGBTQ+ people do belong in the church
