Religion News Service

By this Author

Catholic bishop says church's credibility on sexual abuse is 'shredded'

Catholic bishop says church's credibility on sexual abuse is 'shredded'

Washington churches told not to collect funds for gay marriage fight

Survey: Economy continues negative effect on churches

Update: LCWR sister, Dolan to pray at Democratic convention

Cardinal Timothy Dolan asks candidates to sign civility pledge

Roman Catholic Church in Scotland campaigns to stop gay marriage

Republicans can find religion in not-so-religious Tampa

Old-fashioned nuns say the past is key to the future

New Orleans house gives women a place to discern their calling as nuns

Paul Ryan, Joe Biden square off in a battle of two Catholics

Obama campaign unveils its 'Catholics for Obama' 2012 team

Poll: Catholics side with bishops on religious liberty

No joke: Dolan-Colbert 'Catholic comedy slam' gets media blackout

Dolan criticized for inviting Obama to Al Smith Dinner

Does the contraception mandate really kill religious freedom?

Vatican showdown the latest chapter in Sr. Pat Farrell's life

Poll: Majority of Americans would vote for an atheist for president

Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Stephen Colbert to star in Catholic comedy slam

Court upholds Georgia ban on guns in church

