Religion News Service

By this Author

I forgive Pope Benedict. I hope others can too.

The good, the bad and the factual: Seeing American history through a biblical lens

Faith leaders need to step up to heal our political divisions

Eritrean Orthodox patriarch dies after 16 years in detention

Four things to look for in Francis' reform of curia

As workers seek to unionize, some clergy are filling a crucial role

Vatican on rapper's mock baptism: 'They don't make provocateurs like they used to'

Quitting online church is abandoning the one for the 99

Firebrand Texas Bishop Strickland tests limits of conservative Catholic dissent

The lesson for bishops from Benedict report: Apologize, apologize, apologize

Catholic bishops fight Biden but affirm his election

New book examines the religious lives of people without homes

Catholic pro-choice activists project messages onto DC basilica in protest

Pope Francis attacked cancel culture. It sounds better than 'ideological colonization.'

As Pope Francis' critics vent their anger, what comes out is vaccine disinformation

Growing old with grace and kindness: The life and lives of Sidney Poitier

Mark, a Gospel for Ordinary Time

How Ohio's Indigenous sacred sites became a religious flashpoint

Was Mary Magdalene really from Magdala? Two scholars examine the evidence

Earth: One of God's failed experiments?

