Religion News Service

By this Author

California's End of Life Option law: More peaceful deaths or moral quicksand?

A year after the Charleston church shooting, what has changed?

Pope Francis puts Guam archbishop accused of sex abuse on leave

US Jewish groups warn of 'rupture' if Western Wall deal collapses

Reason Rally organizes atheist vote

Key Tunisian party renounces political Islam

Massachusetts church vigil ending after 11 years

Brooklyn's Catholic bishop decries 'racism and xenophobia'

Delegate: United Methodist conference seen as 'confusing God at this point'

African Methodists worry about the church that brought them Christianity

Methodists postpone debate of gay issues that could split denomination

Prominent French priest and Vatican adviser accused in sex scandal

How the politics behind the bathroom wars hark back to old race-baiting

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is discriminatory: let's fix it

Methodists vote to cut ties with group some consider anti-Israel

3 ways Pope Francis' opening on women deacons can change Catholicism

Biden and Boehner, teary and grateful, receive high Catholic honor

Pope's visit to Armenian genocide memorial may strain tensions with Turkey

In honoring Biden and Boehner, Notre Dame lives up to Pope Francis' vision

Baptist agency comes clean about ex-missionary's trail of sexual abuse

