Religion News Service

By this Author

Henry VIII's chapel hosts Catholic prayers for the first time in 450 years

Larycia Hawkins, Wheaton College offer gratitude, move on

Kansas City teacher astonishes with $2 million gift to Jesuits

Yes, Catholics may vote for Bernie Sanders

Poet Wendell Berry bequeaths farming legacy to small Catholic college

President Obama: Religious freedom keeps us strong

Americans’ views on Islam, Muslims divide by party lines

France bulldozes refugees’ church, mosque

Pope Francis praises China in latest effort to thaw chilly relations

Muslim Americans involved in terrorism 'rose dramatically' in 2015

History suggests Marrakesh Declaration no guarantee of religious freedom

Gay rights campaigner reverses course in gay cake dispute

US Jewish groups hail mixed-gender Western Wall space

Leonardo DiCaprio gets an audience with Pope Francis, ahead of Oscars

Pope Francis: World's powerful are 'slaves to sin' who risk hell by ignoring the poor

Morocco summit pushes Muslim clerics to improve the lot of religious minorities

Voters warm to candidates who are not religious

Pope Francis meets Iran’s president to boost nuke deal, Mideast peace

How the presidential candidates' extreme abortion positions distort a growing consensus

Activists contest Vatican over gay rights before key Italian vote

