Religion News Service

By this Author

Cardinal Raymond Burke: Gays, remarried Catholics, murderers are all the same

Survey: Millennials are the 'don't judge generation' on sexual morality

Church of England loses no time, appoints third woman bishop and first to oversee a diocese

Some early data suggest the 'Francis effect' could be real

New Jersey to Newark archdiocese: Get out of the headstone business

Nigerian Christians may back a Muslim candidate in upcoming presidential elections

Meet the Muslim actor playing Jesus in Bill O'Reilly's 'Killing Jesus'

Pope Francis takes a dim view of the death penalty, but not all Catholics are convinced

St. Louis archdiocese cancels speech by visionary who saw the Virigin Mary at Medjugrorje

Zaytuna College recognized as first accredited Muslim college in the US

Will Pope Francis have a short papacy? Don't bet on it

At PETA’s shelter, most animals are put down; group calls them mercy killings

Who was St. Patrick, and would he drink green beer?

Debate over gays in St. Patrick's parades roils Irish on big day

Can Catholic hospitals continue to serve the poor? One program tries

Oklahoma bill would abolish state's role in granting marriage licenses, leave it in clergy hands

7.5 million Americans lost their religion since 2012

Pope Francis has history, but not time, on his side in reform push

Kenya’s Catholic church to fight hunger by farming its vast land reserves

Jean Vanier, friend of developmentally disabled, wins Templeton Prize

