Sarah Mac Donald

Sarah Mac Donald is a freelance journalist based in Dublin. She contributes to The Tablet, the Irish Independent and NCR. She researched and produced the documentary "Mary Ward – Dangerous Visionary," which tells the story of the 16th-century foundress of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Congregation of Jesus. She has contributed to books, including The Francis Factor: A New Departure (Columba Press, 2014) and God's Entrepreneurs: How Irish Missionaries Tried to Change the World (New Island Books, 2010).


Sarah Mac Donald es una periodista independiente establecida en Dublín, Irlanda, que contribuye con The Tablet, el Irish Independent y NCR. Ella investigó y produjo el documental Mary Ward: Visionaria Peligrosa, que cuenta la historia de la fundadora del Instituto de la Bienaventurada Virgen María y la Congregación de Jesús en el siglo XVI. Ha contribuido en libros, incluyendo The Francis Factor: A New Departure (Columba Press 2014) y God's Entrepreneurs: How Irish Missionaries Tried to Change the World (New Island Books 2010).

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