Links for 01/25/16

by Michael Sean Winters

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At Politico, how Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld buried a report that questioned the extent and value of U.S. intelligence about Iraq's nuclear program. I do not believe that political decision makers should be hauled into court for making bad decisions, but Mssr. Rumsfeld will have some explaining to do when he gets to the pearly gates.

DignityUSA's undgnified swipe at Pope Francis for, heaven forfend, saying that traditional families are different from other types of unions. Of course, a case could be made that if the LGBT community had pushed for civil unions and explicitly argued against same sex marriage, civil unions could fit within the concern Pope Francis expressed, recognizing that different types of unions are, well, different. But, no. And, the statement is theological gobbledygook. 

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas is leading an effort to block bipartisan efforts at criminal justice reform. Sen. Cotton, with a great resume, youthful good looks, and undeniably very smart, is one of the scariest conservative senators precisely because his gifts can blind people to his extremism. 


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