Links for 12/10/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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At Commonweal, Michael Peppard looks at the document on Catholic-Jewish relations released today. I would call readers' attention especially to the sections on the need to make sure that what the Church teaches is actually taught, the unique relationship between Catholics and Jews (the text says that "inter-religious" is not the appropriate term, suggesting "intra-religious" or "intra-familial." and expands the sometimes controversial idea of complementarity to the relationship between Catholics and Jews. All in all, an important document and a fine explanation from Professor Peppard. 

From the very conservative website onepeterfive, an anonymous letter from a former curial official attacking Pope Francis. To sum it up in a phrase: How dare you change things! Like the curia had been doing such a great job these many years. The letter is important, though, because it shows the depth of the opposition the Holy Father faces from within. Pray for him!!!

At his blog on the archdiocesan website, Cardinal Donald Wuerl on the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The money quote:

The fact that our own situations in life might be inconsistent with certain of the Church’s teachings does not mean that we are not welcome in the Church. Quite the contrary. Just as Jesus came to heal those who are spiritually sick, just as he calls sinners and associated with the outcast, so too the Church issues a special welcome to those who are weary and burdened and marginalized.

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