Links for 12/2/15

by Michael Sean Winters

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In the New York Daily News, Charles Camosy on the rhetoric about the rhetoric in the wake of the shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic over the weekend. Finally, a voice of sanity. It was funny in a sad sort of way to see Fox News anchors dismissing the idea that rhetoric has anything to do with violence like we saw in Colorado Springs, which is true, without then saying, "So, we are going to stop repeating, ad nauseum, that one of the reasons the war against ISIS is not going better is because President Obama does not use the phrase "Islamic terror." That said, pro-lifers would be wise to listen to Camosy's caution and re-think their rhetoric, not because it led a crazed man to shoot up a clinic, but because it does not persuade. 

On behalf of the U.S. bishops, Miami's Archbishop Thomas Wenski sent a letter to members of Congress urging support for legislation that would extend bankruptcy protection to Puerto Rico. +Wenski is chair of the Committee on Domestic Policy at the conference. 

CBS News has an article on the Puerto Rican crisis. It notes the humanitarian crisis and also the key fact, too little noted, that the bondholders have a pretty weak hand. Except that the vulture funds have thrown a lot of money around Capitol Hill. This crisis can end ugly or very ugly for the bondholders and Gov. Padilla should stick to his guns: Going forward, the people of Puerto Rico have first claim on government resources. 

Wassup with this? A priest in South Carolina publicly endorses Sen. Ted Cruz? I didn't think priests were supposed to do that anymore. 

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